Sunday, October 21, 2007

Slideluck Potshow

Ever since I came back from Japan the first time with 30+ rolls of Fuji film and went through each image on screen with friends watching (or sleeping) I have really had it bad for slideshows. I'm not talking about the slick productions with matching tunes and wine or the current video laced clips but the old school E6 in a loud projector. It's always kind of held a fascination for me similar to records (which I collect).

Here's everyone's chance to relive that style of show. I haven't personally been to one of these yet but I'm looking forward to when I can make it. Slideluck Potshow is a non-profit potluck series for members of the arts and media built around an open community exhibiting images and sharing food. More on their website but the next show's coming up in Portland.

Sounds like a great gig and it's open to all willing to take risks regardless of experience. Everyone is treated equal with no more than 5 minutes for a show and ranges from those who have never publicly shown work to the likes of Chris Buck, Alec Soth & Martin Schoeller among others.

So grab a sixpack of brown bottles and settle in for a real show.

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