Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Imagination = 193 Miles

Two extremes of imagination hit me today that I thought worth sharing. It's amazing in the creative industry how much time goes into ideas that spring from various angles. Then with enough effort (and belief) on the backend how those ideas actual get shaped into useful and/or appropriate outputs. At least that's what we'd all hope for.

This first example is something we all need from time to time - a chance to turn up the volume, color outside the lines and simply let our freak flag fly. It's the spontaneity that drew so many of us into our current endeavors in the first place. Without what I call the wild imagination then the work and the fire behind it tend to mellow. In my photography that's the one thing I fear - the 'your work is nice' stake through the heart. I have a feeling that this guy doesn't have that problem. And if you think he's patient check out his wife's take on it at the end of this CNN piece.

And on the other end of the spectrum, but still deeply rooted in the imagination, is this from Brian Storm's MediaStorm. If you haven't dropped in before definitely check out the amazing array of work hosted here. It's a multi-media production studio covering everything in the worlds of photojournalism, photography, video, audio & storytelling. Have your sound on as the website is slick with audio samples paired with rollovers. The original piece that caught my eye is Patrick Brown's Black Market though it's hard to miss National Geogrpahic's J. Michael Fay and Michael 'Nick' Nichols and their romp through Zakouma National Park in Chad in Ivory Wars.

But as much imagination as each of these pieces have one could argue the efforts are of a different shape than that of the animated music video Low Morale: Creep described as, 'one man's cathartic opus against despair'. Laith Bahrani spent more than three months and one million key frames putting his twist to Radiohead's Creep.

Regardless of your choices or the needs of those depending on you, make sure you keep that brain active. Just don't forget the parachute.

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